Special Bolt

Old forum posts ending on Oct 21 '09

Moderator: TechMOGogy

Posts: 134
Joined: Thu Apr 15, 2004 11:16 am
Location: Utah

Special Bolt

Post by STPPINZ »

Changing my axle out tonight and I came into a rusty bolt situation. The "special bolts" that clamp the axle outer tube together were very difficult to get out to say the least. One head broke off and the other one was so rusty that the original buldge in the bolt is gone. Needless to say I am am going to replace the bolts.

My question is does anyone know why those bolts are so "special" at $22 a piece. Are the made to streach? Its just a through bolt that could be replaced pretty easy. Like the through bolt for the shock mounts. Any thoughts?
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