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Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:04 pm
by Jerbearyukon
Hey I will do it for free, but I'm sure it would end up on America's funniest home videos :wink: .

I've made money singing (ppl will pay me to stop) can make alot of money with a bad voice...tee hee.

But seriuosly I think that would be a great idea and that's why I mentioned it. The parts book and service manuals just aren't very good for a guy with A.D.D.

They don't have to be perfect just useful.

Jer Bear - the terrible mechanic - could be my new handle.

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:09 am
by Jerbearyukon
Well I finally got the right parts..Ordered them from one of the suppliers (nameless to protect the innocent :wink: ) and they shipped the wrong parts...urrrrrrrg, but hey everyone makes mistakes and I have big shoulders (more now that I am working out...getting rid of the moooooobs :wink: :wink: ).

I finally just phoned my buddy and reliable DENNIS...he is amazing :D . I think he knows every friggin bolt in the pinz (some others do too, but I rely on Dennis mostly now).

Anyway he got me a used one and all the right parts and I got her together on Friday night. Went for a romp in the snow looking for wolves and yotes today.....Nice to have her back on the road :D.

Jer BEar