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If you are going to teach a teen to sandblast...

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 6:36 pm
by EvanH
If you are going to teach a teen to sandblast...

Be careful where you stand! My 14-year old has a quick trigger finger. I thought I could hand him the nozzle and duck out of the tent before the action started. Not only did he get the nozzle triggered, he missed the part and got me instead! A fine example of poor instruction and poor safety precautions on my part. I piled all of the safety equipment on him and left none for myself. I must've left my common sense soaking in a jar on the nightstand.



Clean it

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:52 pm
by Kirby
I would scrub and clean that sucker real good.... ouch

Wrong Forum category?

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:05 pm
by texas pinzgauer
Evan - shouldn't this be in the Pinzgauer - Health link?

Re: Wrong Forum category?

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:35 pm
by EvanH
texas pinzgauer wrote:Evan - shouldn't this be in the Pinzgauer - Health link?
Actually, it should be in the "Stupid Things Pinzgauer Owners Do" forum, except I would be the only member! :lol:

So far, no infection or pain, just the difficulty of explaining to my son that it wasn't his fault. I think I got through to him when I asked, "Did you do anything I told you not to do?" and he answered, "No." It very really is an example of poor instruction and poor safety on my part. C'est la vie. Or, according to Babel Fish, "C' ist das Leben" in German, if such a concept exists in the linguistics of Deutschland.

I have also let him drive the 710. He does pretty well, especially considering his limited background with a manual shift. So far he has got it stuck in a ditch ($70.00 tow plus a broken winch line) and backed into a barbed wire fence (I have to say the Pinz stock mirrors are not good for learning to back up). All I know for sure is that his mounting (no pun intended) interest in girls is going to cost me a lot more in the long run...

For me, it is a good wake up call about what one should/should not do while taking morphine!


Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:37 pm
by M Wehrman
I would think sandals would be the minimum "safety gear"! :lol: Lucky he didn't shoot higher! :shock:

Re: Wrong Forum category?

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:46 pm
by Kirby
Actually, it should be in the "Stupid Things Pinzgauer Owners Do" forum, except I would be the only member! :lol:

Not the only member, just the most recent! . . ..not that I have ever done anything to be a member of "that" forum :oops:

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:40 am
by todds112
I learned that a wire brush attachment on a grinder does wonders de-fleshing one's hand.

Re: If you are going to teach a teen to sandblast...

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 2:52 pm
by pinzwheeling
EvanH wrote:If you are going to teach a teen to sandblast...

Be careful where you stand! My 14-year old has a quick trigger finger. I thought I could hand him the nozzle and duck out of the tent before the action started. Not only did he get the nozzle triggered, he missed the part and got me instead! A fine example of poor instruction and poor safety precautions on my part. I piled all of the safety equipment on him and left none for myself. I must've left my common sense soaking in a jar on the nightstand.


Make sure you get some primer on that before it rusts.