MOGFEST 2008 pics

Postings/pictures/video about off-road fun in Real 4x4's. (European-centric 4x4's)
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MOGFEST 2008 pics

Post by pinzwheeling »

Great event. Alan, Kai and the rest of the Mog crew once again managed to make a magical weekend out in the desert. Thanks a whole bunch to everyone who was involved in making this event happen, it's something that I and my family look forward to every year months in advance!!!

I want to extend a special thanks to Eric and Maryann (sp) who were instrumental in my kids and all the kids around us having a great weekend. Their hospitality and shelter they provided for the kids was wionderful and really made the weekend much better than it would have otherwise. Thanks also to the rest of the usual crew of misfits who showed up, it's great to see everyone and spend time with them. Also, thanks Bernhard for breaking your hand so that when my truck broke, I got to drive yours. ;).

Some special highlights...

*watching the Mog rockcrawling guys stand with their jaws agape as Bernhard's 712 climbed two VERY challenging waterfalls with barely a scratch. Even funnier was watching Randy and Eric in their 710s bounce/ crash their 710s up the same obstacles. Great skill and big cahones for both of them allowed them to climb waterfalls that I would rate a 4/5. Someone had to have a strap for one of the obstacles, but I'll never tell.

*Going up the third obstacle the hard way in one of the rockcrawler 404s and driving right up as a passenger was very cool. Unfortunately, the second mog to try it didn't fare so well.

*Vinnie's Calzone's on the trail

There's some other events that happend during the weekend, but I'll let the repsective attendies tell their tales. Like... how many spare tires are required to drive a 712 to Calico?

I've included a link to around 50 pics from the event. Most of the pics are of the carnage that happend on the "Hard" trail, which was the Odessa trail on Saturday.
ImageImage ... Mogfest08/

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