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Inaugural Mammoth Steyr Puch Treffen Sept. 22nd-25th 2011

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:29 pm
by Jim Molloy
This from the North American Haflinger 4WD club site:

Inugural Mammoth Steyr Puch Treffen Sept. 22nd -25th 2011

Hi Folks,

Last September Glori and I joined the So Cal Baja's for trail running in the
Mammoth Lakes area. Not only was the scenery spectacular but trails of different
varieties abound. Ever since I have been thinking about what a great venue for
an event. For this one I think bringing together the Steyr Puch 4x4's,
Pinzgauer's, Halflinger's and VW Vanagon Syncro's for a fun time. For the first
year we will stick to the forward control Steyr Puch trucks. Being located in
the middle of California it would be centered for So Cal, AZ, NV, Utah and OR.

What is cool about this area is that there are trails right off of the camp
ground. ... roundDetai\

That are perfect for Halflingers that go for ten's of miles. With the New Shady
Rest Camp as a base great trails for Syncro's and Pinzies are just minutes away. ... utes.shtml

The town of Mammoth Lakes is also minutes away for food and supplies.

The event will have trail runs on Friday and Saturday. One day would be running
the trails that are close to the base camp. For the larger vehicles some trails
can take 3 to 4 hours. Others are about an hour. So several trails could be run
in one day. The other day would be a cross country on pavement and dirt to,

With many options it could take several years to explore all the trails and

The campground has an amphitheater for gathering or a couple of sites could be
used for Steyr Puch central. The camp has no showers but they are available at
another camp about 20 minutes away. This camp has over 90 sites and 50 can be

The weather in Mammoth lakes that time of year is a perfect 70 degrees. There is
also a Hot Springs just the other side of Hwy 395.

For the camp sites people would reserver their own. Cost per night is less than
$20 plus tax. Some sites have deep enough parking that two vehicles could split
the cost for an extra $7. In mid Sept the tourist season is over. When we drove
by the campgrounds on Saturday morning the camp grounds were completely empty.

Friday night will be Pizza dinner (no host) at a local sports bar in town.
Saturday night will be a catered on site BBQ tri tip and chicken dinner.

Cost of the event is going to depend on how many sign up and how many meals
people want catered. Catering runs about $20 per person per meal. That is for
the BBQ dinner. I will see if I can get a good price for breakfast if there is
enough interest. So initially I am estimating the cost to register at $30 per
person for the Saturday night dinner, a dash plaque and misc. You will be
responsible for reserving your camp site and paying for it. When camp ground
reservations open I will post here.

Let's have some fun!

John Wessels

PS I have an event page set up on Face Book under "Mammoth Steyr Puch Treffen"