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Height of 710K to fit in standard height garage?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 12:38 pm
by kpoling
I am looking at a 710K, the specs I found say they are 80.5"H. (none of the specs say if it is for an M or K model) The opening to my garage is 83"H. I live in Oregon, so the truck needs to be stored indoors. The truck I am interested in has Firestone LT305/70-16 Destination MT tires. The truck measures about 89" to the top of the passenger roof door lid. I think the center roof antenna mount is about 1" higher. The truck had about a half tank of gas & no extra load in it. Does anyone have a stock 710K with stock tires that can measure the height of their rig for me? Thanks in advance. Kevin

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 2:12 pm
by Dreadnought
I just measured my 710K and made it 75" to the roof line with an extra 5" to the top of the centre antenna mount, so about 80" all told. BUT I am in England and running on 7.50x16 Goodyear G90s which have a fractionally smaller rolling radius than a well worn pair of the Standard Maloyas.

Height of 710K to fit in standard height garage?

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 4:41 pm
by kpoling
Thanks Dread! I just found the height of the tires on it now: 32.9"D. 245 series tires would lower it about one inch. I guess I could let air out of the tires and get a couple of inches more. Is your truck loaded down with equipment? Or are your springs "tired"? I cannot understand why this truck is higher....

pinz height

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:52 pm
by krick3tt
My garage opening is also 83 inches. My 710M is 82.5 inches at the top of the cab roof support bar with 33 inch BFG's. I removed the antenna mount and installed a flat aluminum. plate to secure the antenna.
When I get the stuff out of the garage and let the tyres down a bit I may just make it. I also have to remove a bit of moulding at the garage door top. I want to get it in before the snows.
When I lived in WA I made a canopy to keep it in the drive as that garage was too low. It collapsed in a snow and was a pain to get off the pinz.
Good luck.

Height of 710K to fit in standard height garage?

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:04 pm
by kpoling
Krick: Thanks for your reply. How many miles is on your Pinz? Are the springs original? If I take that molding off of the top of my door I can get another 3/4".

Last December we had some record snowfall west of the Cascades in both OR. & WA. I don't think a temp shelter will stand up to that kind of snow. My garage is heated, so I want to be able to store the truck & be able to work on it indoors in the winter.

pinz height

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 7:03 pm
by krick3tt
It has 83000km, but there is a rebuilt engine in my future going from 2.2 to 2.7, waiting for some parts. Springs are orig and compressed about 1.25 inches. The bumper and winch add some weight to the front.

See it here. ... MG3362.jpg


Height of 710K to fit in standard height garage?

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 11:12 am
by kpoling
Krick: Thank you for answers. I spoke with the owner about the info received from you & Dread, He is going to load the truck up with an "expedition load" and remeasure the height. This 710K has about 23K miles. Nice looking truck BTW.

height of 710K

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:32 pm
by krick3tt
I got the garage cleaned out and got ready to put the pinz inside.
Removed a piece of trim at the header to give me the height I needed. The front 9/10 of the pinz fits great, last 6 inches are just tall enough to rip out the center strap that holds the top on. Just needed about 1/2 inch more to clear. The back is taller!!!!!!
I put a few bags of conc in the back to give it some weight, not quite enough. Will get some bags of sands tomorrow. When I stand on the rear it just clears so I need about 600 lbs to get low enough. That will give me a little more traction this winter in the snow as well.

Where can I get a repair piece for the top and the rivets to put the strap back on?

Interesting day, glad it was sunny.

Happy trails

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:05 pm
by Erik712m
Morris, You're more than welcome to have my old front piece to use a patch material.

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:49 pm
by kpoling
The current owner loaded the truck 180lbs in the rear & 180lbs below where the table is, and lowered the tire air pressure to 10psi. the truck was 83 5/8" in front & 83-3/4" in the rear. So, if I remove the Firestone Destination M/T 305/70R16 & replace with 245/16 std tires, it should lower the height by 1" to get in the door.

I will be purchasing the rig tomorrow & will ship it home as soon as I can get the trucking lined up.

Krick, thanks for measuring yours. Regards, Kevin

height of 710K

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:23 pm
by krick3tt
Thanks for the offer. I'll PM you.

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 11:38 pm
by russ
When my buddy puts his K into his garage he must flatten the tires some. My K has no chance of fitting into my garage, way too tall. I might get an M in if I flatten the tires but no chance with the K.

height of 710K

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 11:44 pm
by krick3tt
Well, it's in. Put 10 60lb bags of conc in the back and it fits just great.
I'll have to get something besides bags of conc but that can wait a bit, at least it is in out of the weather now.
Drives real nice with that extra poundage, wonder what it will do to the gas milage.

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 6:34 am
by Pinzgear
Just had the same problem with my 710K-turned-S. I haven't measured how tall it is with my BFG's, but I know it didn't fit by about an inch. I ended up getting 480# salt and put it in the back and just squeaked under.

Seeing as how I don't want to keep 12 bags of salt in the back of my truck all the time, I figured out a more permanent fix. I am having two pieces of steel cut which will be 1 3/4 inches tall in total and will fit in the bottom of the bed behind the rear seats (31 3/4 in wide x 34 3/4 long). That will give me 560# total weight semi-permanently in the back of the truck. I am going to bolt them in for safety and also have a place in the middle where I can screw in an eye-bolt to lift the steel out if I ever want to. Also having it painted to cut-down on rust. Downside is that I lose 1 and 3/4 inches of depth in the bed. Upside is that it's more permanent, relatively out-of-the-way without changing much, and the truck should handle a little better.

That was my fix. A little bit more expensive than the salt (about $400 total), but safer and more practical.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:32 pm
by kpoling
Thanks for all of the replies.

Pinzgear: your solution is better than carrying the sacks of whatever. I assume the plate takes up less room than the salt bags did.

My 710K made it safely to my house last week. I am not sure how to get it into my garage, but am down to 4 options:
1. Tires that will reduce my height by 6" (no way).
2. Carry a lot of extra weight, but lose space and probably some gas mileage.
3. change out the springs for shorter or lower capacity than the current ones.
4. Raise my door opening by 8-10". I have room for it, will have to raise the header, get a custom wood door panel & hire a garage door guy to modify the track & re-position the upper track, spring & opener. :cry:
