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Party crashers

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 2:54 pm
by Pinzgauer Pete
Crashed the memorial day parade in my town today on a whim....we sat watching it and then on a dare from my wife I joined in....just pulled right i to the parade..started to wave and wish all the people on the sideline a happy memorial day....I brought a smile to so many different people...then got stopped by a guy that was on the board for some club and begged me to become a legitamate part of the Saint Patricks day parade!!!...just goes to show...everybody Loves the Pinz :D

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 4:15 pm
by Kirby
Next thing we know you will be driving up to the White House and crashing a party there too :D

That is awesome that you just joined in - and than an invite to the next one...have fun.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 8:06 pm
by Pinzgauer Pete
yup..just like that...somehow I feel that everyone will feel just like I do when I see it...a goofy smile just comes over me...I cant even help it!!!! :D :D :D

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 8:09 pm
by Pinzgauer Pete
Hmmmm thought about it...and yeah.....If I head to the white house it will be to remove... that lame ass pretender we have in office make room for a real leader...a true AMERICAN!!!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 1:23 am
by Profpinz
!!!...just goes to show...everybody Loves the Pinz
I was on a Landy Club "Treasure Hunt"/4WD trip at the weekend and a call came over the radio to see if I could help recover a couple of members (I didn't know them personally) who were stuck on a muddy track.

This was one members post on the Club Forum the next day:

"A special thanks to XXXX in his Patrol and XXX for getting us half way up that hill and the bongo van for getting us to the top.
The Bongo van is what my boys have affectionately called it. Absolutely no disrespect intended. A Truly cooooooool machine."

BTW Bongo Van = Pinzgauer :wink:

As you say Pinzgauer Pete, everybody loves the Pinzgauer.